Physical Exams
Women's Physicals
Often times and in many families, women provide care for the myriad of health issues that affect loved ones. But who’s going to care for the caregiver? The bond that women forge with their healthcare provider is an important one, and having an annual physical examination is a source of reassurance that they are as healthy as they feel.
A woman’s annual physical examination typically includes a comprehensive review of her health and wellness, which may include measurements such as weight, height, and blood pressure; an evaluation of lifestyle factors like diet and exercise habits, alcohol and tobacco use; screenings for various diseases and conditions; vaccinations; and physical exams.
During the physical exam, the doctor may assess the patient’s general health by listening to her heart and lungs, examining her breast and other reproductive organs, assessing her nervous system, or conducting other tests. Depending on the patient’s age, she may need additional tests such as an examination for colon cancer or a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer. A doctor may also order lab tests to check for cholesterol, diabetes, or other health issues. Additionally, the doctor may offer advice about diet and exercise, as well as discuss preventive measures such as quitting smoking or avoiding certain substances.
Following the physical exam, it is important for a woman to follow up with her doctor if any problems or concerns arise. This will help ensure that she stays healthy and can address any issues before they become serious.
While we provide these services at IPC, we recommend that you consult with your Gynocologist for more specialized women’s annual wellness services.
Men's Physicals
For most men, visiting the doctor is not an easy task. However, having an annual physical examination can be a green light that you’re as healthy as you feel, or it can serve as an alarm to catch health problems before they become critical.
Men’s annual physical examinations are an important preventative health measure that can help identify and address any potential problems before they become more serious. It typically includes a review of medical history, assessment of current health status, a physical exam, and a discussion of any recommended lifestyle changes or screenings for preventive care.
During the medical history review, the doctor will ask about any current health issues or symptoms and also inquire about past medical events or chronic illnesses that may have an impact on current care. The physical exam typically includes a full body review with particular attention to heart and lung sounds, abdominal assessments, skin checks for abnormalities, and a review of the musculoskeletal system for strength and range of motion.
The doctor may also order or recommend tests to assess potential issues such as bloodwork, urine analysis, imaging studies, cardiac testing, hearing and vision assessments, breathing tests, anal examinations, breast exams (yes, men can get breast cancer), and more. If any abnormalities are found during the physical examination or subsequent tests, the doctor may develop a plan for treatment and make lifestyle or medical recommendations to help manage the condition.
It is important for men to take an active role in their health and get a yearly physical exam. It can help identify subtle changes that may indicate the start of a developing problem, as well as serve as an opportunity for preventive care and lifestyle guidance. Annual physicals are essential for maintaining good health and wellbeing. Take charge of your health!